Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I was talking to a customer in the store on Monday about how to store medications for a survival situation when my daughter chimed in with, "You ought to write a blog".  So here it is.  I'm not sure how it will go, but what I plan is to let you know about an interesting article I have read related to food/water storage, medicinal herbs, foraging, alternative power and lighting options.  Really, anything to do with preparedness.  I will also try to find an appropriate quote that relates to what is currently going on in our lives.

This quote is from Abraham Lincoln.

"The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution"

This week I was reading a Facebook post by "Survival for Blondes" (yeah, I know...but she's really good).  She had included an article from Ezine by Mike Kuykendall about how to determine if you are a "Prepper" or a "Survivalist"

He maintains that a prepper is concerned about everything from a natural disaster to the hyperinflation that will follow an economic collapse. They are prepared for anything that MIGHT happen.  They can be anyone from the guy next door that you would never imagine to be a "Whacko", to the full-blown "Doomsday Prepper".

The Survivalist, on the other hand, takes it to the next level.  In addition to food, water, etc., the survivalist will stock up on guns and ammo (bullets, beans and band-aids), and have a plan for a retreat from a populated area, or a plan to "bug-in" if their home is deemed to be safe.  Survivalists believe that there WILL come a time when they will definitely have to defend themselves, their families and their food/supplies.

There is a lot of overlap between the two categories.  Those that are more into self-defense and concerned about societal collapse lean more toward the survivalist end of the chain.  Those more concerned with economic collapse or "merely" a power grid or supply chain failure would be more comfortable with the prepper tag.

For my part, I know that I am a survivalist and have been calling myself one since the 1970's.  Now that you know the difference you can choose.  Even if you don't believe in Zombies (which I don't) or that the end of the world will be happening very soon, you will make a choice whether to prepare for an emergency, such as hyperinflation or economic collapse, or to remain unprepared.  Even if you make no choice, you have really chosen to remain unprepared.

If you'd like to read his whole article go to

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